Awalnya adalah Adnan Ahmad, direktur teknik kesebelasan nasional Irak, yang berani membeli itu sepatu seharga 100.000 dollar AS (Rp 1,1 milyar). Katanya, nilai itu sepadan dengan keberanian yang ditunjukkan Zaidi yang dianggap mewakili sikap warga Irak.
Namun, selang sehari, tawaran lain – yang lebih fantastis – datang dari seorang pengusaha negeri itu (yang masih dirahasiakan identitasnya). Bayangkan, sepatu yang mungkin awalnya dibeli wartawan itu – paling tidak harganya sekitar Rp 50.000, kini harganya menjadi 20 juta dolar AS (Rp 220 Milyar).
Siapa yang bakal kaya dari sepatu itu belum jelas, karena keberadaannya juga tidak diketahui sampai kini. Ada spekulasi bahwa sepatu itu kini disita aparat keamanan Irak atau dibawa pejabat pemerintahan Bush. Salah satu harian Irak melaporkan, kalau Zaidi terbukti tidak bersalah maka sepatu itu akan dikembalikan.
Selain tawaran-tawaran yang menggiurkan itu, muncul pula dukungan dalam bentuk lain.
Putri pemimpin Libya Muammar Khadafi, Aicha, mengatakan, lembaga sosialnya akan memberikan penghargaan berupa medali keberanian. “Aksi itu merupakan kemenangan bagi hak asasi manusia,” katanya.
Lalu, di Afganistan, Zang-i-Khatar, acara komedi, merekonstruksikan adegan pelemparan sepatu itu. Namun kali ini Bush benar-benar kena.
Di Inggris , peristiwa itu mengilhami munculnya game komputer Sock and Awe. Game yang mempelesetkan sifat serbuan AS ke Irak. Game ini menggunakan Bush sebagai sasaran.
Sidang atas kejadian itu sudah digelar hari ini di Green Zone, markas militer AS dan pusat pemerintahan Irak di Bagdad – tanpa kehadiran di terdakwa. Karena Zaidi saat ini masih dirawat di Rumah Sakit Ibn Zina yang dikelola AS di Green Zone. Muntazer al-Zaidi mengalami patah tangan dan tulang rusuk serta luka di wajah dan kaki akibat dipukul aparat keamanan Irak. (‘Sepatu Bush’ Ditawar Rp 220 M, Di Afdanistan Lemparan Jadi Kena - Suryalive)
Stories about "Bush Shoes"
A pair of shoes that used Iraqi journalists, Muntazer al-Zahdi, to pelt President George W. Bush, who began a
Adnan Ahmad is the beginning, technical director of the Iraqi national eleven, who dare to buy the shoes worth 100,000 U.S. dollars (Rp 1,1 billion). Meanwhile, the value is commensurate with the courage shown Furthermore, which is considered to represent the attitudes of citizens of Iraq.
However, the lapse day, another bid - the more fantastic - come from a country that the businessmen (who are still concealed identity). Imagine, shoes, which may initially purchased the journalists - most do not price around Rp 500,000, now is the price to 20 million U.S. dollars (Rp 220 billion).
Who is the candidate of the rich shoe is not yet clear, because its existence was not known until now. There is speculation that the shoe is now a security officer be brought Iraq or Bush administration officials. One of Iraq's daily report, if proven not guilty Furthermore, the shoes will be returned. Besides bid-bid, which arouse it, also appear in other forms of support.
Daughter of Libyan leader Mu`ammar Khadafi, Aicha, say, social institutions will award a medal to give courage. "Action is a victory for human rights," he said.
Then, in Afghanistan, Zang-i-Khatar, a comedy, reconstruction of throwing shoes that scene. However, this time Bush really be.
In Britain, events that inspire the emergence of computer games Sock and Awe. Mempelesetkan nature of the game to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Bush is using the Games as a target.
The Council of the event is held today in the Green Zone, U.S. military headquarters and the central government of Iraq in Baghdad - without the presence of the accused. Furthermore because the current is still being treated in hospital, Ibn Zina managed by the U.S. in the Green Zone. Furthermore Muntazer al-experienced broken hand and rib injuries in the face and legs and beaten as a result of the Iraqi security officials. (translate from ‘Sepatu Bush’ Ditawar Rp 220 M, Di Afdanistan Lemparan Jadi Kena - Suryalive)
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