Pada tanggal 16 Januari 2008 saya dapat E-mail dari :
P O Box 1010 Liverpool,
E-mail saya dinyatakan sebagai Raffle Draw Winning Email.
Lalu, bla-bla-bla ................ saya diminta untuk melengkapi data dan segera membalas ke:
Scarlet Courier Uk
Contact Person: Mr. Richard Peterson
Tel: +(44) 70457 51327
Saya, karena sibuk, lupa memanggapinya. Besoknya, dengan isi yang sama saya diminta untuk mengirim kelengkapan data untuk bisa menerima duwit sejumlah: £750,000,00 Pounds Sterling.
Besoknya lagi, saya mencoba membalas E-mailnya. Lalu saya nonton sepakbola Arema vs Persiwa. Setelah selesai, saya segera ke ruang di mana Ibu saya opname.
Saat saya mengantar Ibu saya ke kamar kecil dengan kursi roda, HP saya berdering. Sehingga terpaksa, sambil tetap mendorong, saya jawab itu telephon. Lho, pakai bahasa Inggris! Dari Scarlett Courier rupanya. Saya hanya bisa jawab yes, yes and yes serta thank you atas hadiah itu. Dari omongan Inggris itu intinya saya diminta untuk segera membuka E-mail, agar hadiah tidak hangus.
Baru setelah sholat subuh saya bisa membuka, saat saya pulang ke rumah.
Ini tampilannya :
ScarLet Courier LTD
Tel: +(44) 70457 51327
+(44) 70457 51319
Attention: Nama Saya.You are welcome to ScarLet Courier LTD Dispatch UNIT an affiliate of the UK ONLINE NATIONAL LOTTERY We are pleased to be at your service. Scarlet Courier is Regulated and Stipulated by the Finacial Service Authority(FSA).,the finacial institutions that Govern all Finacial activities in the United Kingdom.This office has been Notified by the UK ONLINE NATIONAL LOTTERY of the amount won by you with their National lottery .This means that you have been officially cleared for payment by the Verifications Department at the headquarters of the UK ONLINE NATIONAL LOTTERY.The original copy of your winning certificate, together with a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the British government stating that the money was obtained legally through the UK ONLINE NATIONAL LOTTERYwill be sent to you as soon as you meet with any of the option selected.You can now begin the final step of the claims process, which is the couriering of your won prize to you. With regards to this, there are three options open to you, you are required to select the most convenient of the three below.Courier of your winning cheque to you via any of this channel listed below:
Mailing: £180.00
Insurance: £220.00
Vat: £180.55
TOTAL: £580.55UPS
Mailing: £110.00
Insurance: £230.00
Vat: £150.00
TOTAL: £490.00Mailing: £180.00
Insurance: £200.00
Vat: £150.55
TOTAL: £530.55Very Important Notice:The Delivery Charges cannot be Deducted from your winnings, and also the Delivery charges are to be Paid by you.This is in accordance with section 13(1)(n) of the National Gambling Act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3RD July 1996 by the constitutional assembly.This is to protect winners and to avoid misappropriation of funds and win Situaitions.Please respond to this email by making a selection from the three options above. Also attach a scanned copy of either your driver's licence, international passport (photo page) or any other legally identifying document.Send your response to indicate your option within the next 24hrs, so that delivery of your winnings cheque to your residence can be effected immediately without delay.Once again, CongratulationsYour prompt response will be of good help to you in this matter.Treat with dispatch
Customer ServiceTreat with dispatch,
Yours FaithfullyMr.Richard Peterson.Customer Service.SCARLET COURIER DELIVERY SERVICES
**ScarLet Courier LTD, Registered in England No 929027. Registered Office: 135 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3UR.Regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
Waduh! Dapat uang, tapi harus keluar biaya? Gimana ya?Saya bimbang dan ragu. Kalau nggak kirim duwit dan data lain, uang itu bakal melayang. Kalau kirim duwit, hadiahnya ternyata bohong, duwit saya yang bakal melayang. Saya putuskan untuk saya diamkan saja.Kok ndilalah tadi pas jam 9 malam (seperti saat kemarin) saya ditelephon lagi oleh si Inggris itu. Lucunya, di sela-selanya, saat saya tidak ngomong sama sekali (hanya mendengar suara-suara Inggris) muncul suara seorang wanita: LHO, KOK NGGAK NGOMONG?.Lalu si Inggris beraksi lagi. Saya hanya menjawab sekenanya, lalu telephon pun diputus.Di rumah, saya coba buka E-mail, lalu saya mencoba menjawab demikian :
I agree about The Delivery Charges are to be Paid by me. I choose the channel DHL.But I cannot have international passport (photo page).....
Entah, apa reaksinya nanti. Wait and see.......
1 comment:
Dapet hadiah y? Asiiikkk..makan-makan..
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